It is the one of the cheapest form of web hosting services. Also, it is the most popular hosting form all over the world. Most of the businessmen check out for the cheapest form of web hosting services and they decide to go for the shared hosting. There are different hosting companies that provide their hosting services with different pricing, set ups and configurations. The main reason behind shared hosting called shared hosting is because it is based on the shared server resources. This means one server is divided into hundreds of partitions which are used by hundreds of websites. The factors based on the server like operating system, disk space, random access memory (RAM), central processing unit (CPU), etc. are used commonly by the shared websites. The more surprisingly, even bandwidth is an essential factor from a webmaster’s perspective and shared as per the demanding need of a particular website. The shared hosting is widely used in the form of cPanel hosting because it comes with a control panel which is mainly used to control email accounts, database, FTP, sub-domains, website statistics, and many other valuable features. These features play an important role in reviewing your website’s performance and the direction of progress it is doing. Shared hosting is genuinely made for the customers that have a tight and limited budget for the conduction of their online operations.
There are several websites those are sharing the same server in this kind of hosting and more surprisingly there is no limitation on disk-space, bandwidth or other features. The primary reason for the same is that very powerful and highly configured servers are used by hosting companies for their customers. There are several web hosting companies that provide both the options as limited disk space and unlimited disk space to their clients. The client has to choose the option considering his website’s needs. This hosting type is considered as a perfect choice for blogs, because these types of websites do not contain any heavy data such as videos, audios and other flash objects that comparatively need higher amount of bandwidth. On the basis of operating system, if you compare Linux shared hosting and Windows shared hosting then you come to know that Linux shared hosting is a bit cheaper than Windows hosting because of the licensing cost of Windows hosting. The Linux is free and open source operating system and that is the reason it is cheaper than Windows operating system. Moreover, Linux hosting is also capable of using system resources in a better manner than Windows hosting. Apart from the above mentioned benefits, there are some limitations of the same. The overall control and access on the website is very limited in this type of hosting. If the excess bandwidth gets shared by one particular website in the network, it will also affect other websites residing on the same server and hence, face some accessibility issues.
Amongst the several web hosting companies out there in an online market, you can choose any of the company to promote your business online in a short period of time. MilesWeb is one of the best reputed web hosting providers that provides best in class features and services to their customers such as WordPress hosting, shared hosting, dedicated hosting, cloud hosting, reseller hosting, etc. at an affordable price point.
The leading web hosting company offers three different plans for shared hosting namely Lite, Deluxe and Ultimate. The Lite plan starts at Rs.50/month that includes 1 GB SSD disk space storage, 10 GB bandwidth, free SSL certificate, cPanel + Softaculous control panel, etc.
The notable features of web hosting offered by MilesWeb are as follows:
- Free SSL Certificate
- Free Site Builder
- Pure SSD storage
- cPanel Control Panel
- One-click Install
- Latest PHP & MySQL
- Datacenter Choice
- Free Website Migration
- Easy Upgrade
Moreover you can include the shared hosting addons for your website such as website backup, SpamExperts, Sitelock Basic, Google webmaster, Google Analytics Integration, etc.
So, if you’re looking for any cheap shared hosting India plan for your business then MilesWeb would be the ideal choice for you. Choose the best hosting plan and avail the maximum benefit from the same.